Saturday, June 4, 2011


Jesus H. Christ - I jinxed myself! I wrote a quick post to Facebook saying nobody was in the library. Then much to my dismay and fucking horror, macaroni and cheese family walked in, then I have a PhD lady with her kids and then another kid (who ain't 11 by the way) comes in. Now they are all on the computers talking all loud, macaroni and cheese mom is yelling at her kids about the games and PhD lady is nowhere to be found and her kid ain't 11 either.

I am positive macaroni and cheese mom is as high as a kite.......her eyes are closed and she's rubbing her finger over her lips....over and over and over....GROSS. Last time she was here she went in the bathroom for about 15 minutes and came out sniffing over and over and over! I'm just sayin' something's fishy about her and her kids.

I hate confrontation but I'm gonna tell these parents they can't leave there kids in here by themselves unless they are 11.....I mean hell, there's a crack addict in here for God's sake!!