Today is my Friday! Why, you ask? Because I work the weekend. It will be my second weekend in a row!That's the great and horrible thing about libraries......extended hours. Great when you don't have a life, not so great when you have other shit to do. I've developed a love/hate relationship for:
Patrons - especially the smelly ones
Co-Workers - the stupid ones
Lazy bitches who claim mental stress and get a doctor to sign off on some bogus claim saying they can't work with the public - hey BITCH you have a public services job....oh that's right you are in graduate school and can't chew gum and walk at the same time so how could you fucking hold down a job and go to school??? You tell me, cause I'm about ready to punch you in the mouth!
Administration - who fall for the bullshit noted above
Jackasses - who can't remember how to spell their last name or their fucking birthdate
Stupid people - who say, do and think stupid shit
Guys who make passes at girls who wear glasses (you know who you are old man - leave me alone!)
Current hiring freeze and lack of employees to work weekends is making my blood boil and that leads to excessive snacking, drinking and hot flashes!!!
Yes, I feel one coming on now!
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