Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear Adults

Dear Adults,

In case you were not aware, this is a children's room! Please explain to me why you continue to come in here when you don't have children. Do you really believe that just because you want to use a computer you can come in here and monopolize the kid's computers? Oh that's right, you do! I have told all of you time and time again not to turn off the pre-loaded kids games so that you can get on the Internet to check your email and Facebook accounts, yet you persist in doing it anyways. You do realize that when you access the Internet then forget to turn back on the kids games that I have to get up out of my chair and reload them as a 4 year old is crying that the games aren't working. Then said child has to wait 7 minutes for the games to reload. Again, all the while whining and screaming that they want to play games!!! Then after all of this screaming by the child, the by now annoyed mother tells the child it's time to go home whereas much more screaming ensues.
Please.....I'm begging you.....use the computers in the main library that were designed for adult use and I should not have to remind you but I will anyways......NO PORN!

Thank you,
Your very bitchy, hormonal library technician

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