I've always had a bit of wanderlust.....never stayed in one apartment more than a year in my twenties. Even after AJ was born we moved 13 times in 9 years. As an adult the longest I've ever lived in one house was on Shelburne Court in Olympia.
That is the house I lived in when I met Ty and that is the house where I said goodbye to him. At the time I didn't know my life with him was over. I believed it was just beginning and that moving to California while he finished up in the Army was a good idea.
Well.....California turned out to be a bust on so many levels. I did not like my job, the town was in the middle of nowhere, and Ty asked for a divorce. Many tears were shed there and there were a few moments when I wanted to drive into the middle of the desert and end my life. Only one thing kept me from giving up and that was the fact that I did not want to leave that legacy to AJ! That poor kid has enough problems without me taking the easy way out. Life is just so fucking difficult sometimes!!
Now, here I am in Texas trying to figure out if I will be able to stay here or not. I've been trying to settle into my apartment by decorating. It is a huge step that I'm actually hanging art on the walls and buying furniture, albeit used but it is still furniture that will at some point either have to move with me or be sold/given away when I can no longer deny my desire to move....see something new......search for whatever it is I'm looking for.
I wonder if my wandering will ever lead me to where I'm supposed to be, because I thought it was with you!!!